Every year, I take some time to look at Advanced Placement Test pass rates (Prior years posts are here and here). Advanced Placement (AP) tests are highly sought-after courses that some colleges honor for college credit. Most colleges only honor credit for a score of 4 or 5 on the test. The California Department of […]
Advanced Placement
These are the top 25 high schools in Los Angeles by AP Pass Rate
Some schools truly stand out when it comes to AP pass rates. The median pass rate (counting only 4s and 5s – not 3s) for LA schools is about 14%. But there are some schools that are far surpassing that. The schools below have a pass rate above 25%. On this list you have some […]
AP Pass Percents for Every High School in California
The way that the state of California releases AP test data is very strange. First of all, they release it over a year late. So on July 3, 2018, the CDE released the AP data for the tests taken in May of 2017. They also don’t really advertise that the data is being released, its just […]
Look up your school’s AP Pass Percentage
*Note: The data in this post is about 1.5 years old. This has some problems because it could be out of date, but it is the most recent data available. I still think it is interesting, so here goes nothing: Yesterday, I wrote about AP access – that is, what percent of students are taking AP […]
Los Angeles County is 10th (out of 58) in AP Participation
![](<!-- schooldatanerd.com https://i2.wp.com/schooldatanerd.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/AP-tests-scores-college.jpg?resize=600%2C335&ssl=1 --> )
I went to Venice High, and throughout my high school career, I was devoted to taking AP classes. For those unfamiliar, Advanced Placement courses are courses offered in high school where students can earn college credit. In my time at Venice, I took 11 AP courses. When I got to college, I had so many credits, […]