Last week, I reported that Green Dot’s suspension rates were some of the highest in the city. The top three suspension rates for all LAUSD schools in 2016-17 were Green Dot schools. And across their entire network, the suspension rate appeared to be significantly higher than the rest of the district. And yet, had an […]
A few LA charter schools severely skew Charter Suspension Data
In my last post, I alluded to a major difference in charter school suspension rates vs traditional school suspension rates. This was wrong and shortsighted. If you look at averages, charter schools in Los Angeles Unified suspend at a rate that is 3 times higher than traditional schools. That is an unduplicated number, meaning that […]
Who gets suspended in Los Angeles? And what for?
The CDE revamped their suspension dataset, and it is a much more powerful tool. Before you could break the data down by race, but now there are several more several demographic factors to break apart. And it can give us a better idea of exact who gets suspended in LA. The graphic above shows unduplicated […]
Green Dot’s Suspension Rates Continue to be Remarkably High
A month ago, the California Department of Education released 2016-17 data on suspension rates. When they were released, several news outlets looked at the aggregate data and noted that problems still existed (KPCC and EdSource). But when I dug into the data I noticed something kind of strange. Green Dot’s suspension rates are astronomically high. […]
2016 Year in Review
It has been just over 300 days since I started this blog, and in that time, I have written 95 posts. I started it as a dinky little Tumblr account, and have grown into a full-on Blog. And while I started by just sharing this with my students and friends, there are now people, whom I have never […]
Charter Schools have the highest Suspension Rates in LAUSD
Digging a little deeper, I was able to find a part of the California educational data that actually gives each school an overall suspension rate. Suspension rate is defined as the number of suspended students divided by the total student population. Below, are all schools with a suspension rate over 5%. For reference, the LAUSD […]
Ethnic groups get suspended for different reasons
When you look at the break down for why students get suspended based on ethnicity, you see some interesting patterns. I forgot to label this, but these are out-of-school suspensions by ethnicity, out of 100%. There are two real trends here that can be seen in the green and red bars. African American students are […]
Why do students get suspended or expelled in LAUSD?
When schools suspend or expel a student, they report it to the state. They report two things that are then made public in data – 1. The reason for the suspension/expulsion and 2. the ethnicity of the student who received the suspension/expulsion. The reasons for expulsion are defined in the California EdCode, which is both […]