Digging a little deeper, I was able to find a part of the California educational data that actually gives each school an overall suspension rate. Suspension rate is defined as the number of suspended students divided by the total student population. Below, are all schools with a suspension rate over 5%.

For reference, the LAUSD suspension rate is only 0.9% and the statewide suspension rate is only 3.8%. These schools are suspending at rates significantly above what is typical.
On the right hand side, I have listed if the school is a Charter School © a Traditional School (T), a Pilot School (P) or a Nontraditional Continuation School (NT). Of all the schools with a suspension rate above five percent, 79.5% of the schools were charter schools, while only 15.4% were traditional LAUSD schools.
I think what is most shocking is some of the schools at the top. Animo Western has a 24% suspension rate, meaning almost 1 out of every 4 students was suspended at some point last year. In fact, Green Dot runs 10 of the 39 schools on this list.
LAUSD seems to really have gotten its act together on suspensions, after much hoopla a few years ago. Conversely, charter schools have not been subject to the same kind of pressure, and it seems that they have not been forced to reconcile with these numbers.
Data Source Source: California Department of Education Dataquest