LAUSD has a lot of Twitter Accounts

Today’s post has nothing to do with data. It is just something I noticed because I am deeply addicted to twitter (and you can follow me at )

But seriously, LAUSD has so many twitter accounts!

Of course, there is the main, account. But, by my count, there are at least 20 other twitter accounts.

First, you have the ones tied to the local districts, which I suppose makes sense – each of the local districts is larger than almost any other school district in the state. So you have LD South (), LD Central (), LD West () and LD Northeast ().

Then you have the accounts that are for different subjects: History (), Arts (), Alternative curriculum () – and one that is specifically for LD West’s math team ().

There are two twitter accounts for job postings – Classified jobs () and certificated jobs (). So I guess a classified job isn’t a career?

After that, you have an account for many different departments and initiatives. Theres common core (), professional learning and leadership development (), GATE programs (), the LAUSD All City Band (), the instructional technology initiative (), the materials management branch (), the information technology division (), the green learning initiative (), the office of government Relations (), the charter schools division (), the pupil services division () and the Superintendent’s Intensive Support and Innovation Center ().

I find it kind of funny that the ethics office () hasn’t tweeted since 2010. There is a joke to be made there, I just can’t say what it is. And twitter is just the tip of the iceberg. Most of these accounts also exist on Facebook and Instagram too.


I am not saying that having this many accounts is a bad thing. In fact, I think it is pretty awesome. First of all, it shows that the school district is trying to reach out to the community.

But more importantly, it is clearly a way for a huge, spread out district to communicate between its parts. Most of the likes and retweets by these accounts are from LAUSD employees or other LAUSD accounts passing on ideas or accolades.

Let me know if you know of any other LAUSD twitter accounts and I’ll add it to my list.