As we look at the Core Index Scores, we are immediately hit by how much demographics of a school affects a school’s success. As I discussed in a previous post, .
So, in an attempt to level the playing field, I ran a regression and gave each school a score I am calling the . This model takes the demographics of a school (socioeconomic status, students with special needs population, English learner population and ethnicity makeup) and predicts a score based on those factors, as seen in the trend across all schools. I then compared their actual score to their predicted score by subtracting the two – a positive difference means they outperformed expectations and a negative score means they under-performed.
I took it one step further and gave them a percentile rank – what percent of LAUSD schools did they do better than? For example, if you got a 65%, your school did better than 65% of all LAUSD schools.
Would you like to know how your school did?
Unfortunately, I am not tech savvy enough to make this work on phones, but if you have a desktop or laptop, it should work! Follow this link to look up your school’s score.